Michael Johnson

Michael Johnson
District 56 Chair
Counties: Northhampton and Halifax
Occupation: Retired, Department of Public Safety

How did you become involved in SEANC? I attended a SEANC leadership training many years ago, liked what I learned, and discovered that SEANC does great things. As a result, I went to the next monthly meeting in my county and joined District 56 that night.

What offices have you held in SEANC? I’ve been District Chair twice and have served my district as EMPAC At-Large Member, Bylaws Chair and Policy Platform Chair.

What has been the most rewarding part of being active in SEANC? It is rewarding for me as district chair to meet and get to know state employees one-on-one.

What do you wish everyone knew about SEANC? There is often a misconception about what SEANC does and who we are. Some state employees believe that SEANC just accepts dues and doesn’t do anything with it. During my one-on-one conversations with state employees and state retirees, I explain the valuable services SEANC offers - especially during times of need. For example, when the pandemic hit North Carolina, SEANC immediately began boosting morale and getting folks essential supplies through the SEANC Cares program. In addition, SEANC helps North Carolina communities. For example, recently District 56 donated $500 to provide a wheelchair ramp to an adult care facility in our county.

What are your hobbies? I enjoy spending time using my computer – making CDs and reading about various topics.

Tell us about your family: I have been married for 40 years and we have three children ages 30, 28, and 18.

What is something about you that people should know? I believe that people have the right to their own opinions. Even if I don’t agree with you, it doesn’t bother me.